Dictation and Transcription Equipment

We offer transcription headsets, dictation equipment, cassette tapes, power adapters, microphones, telephone record adapters, pc footpedals as well as foot pedals for microcassette transcribers, and much more. We carry new and used cassette transcribers. We also have a wide selection of digital recorders and pc transcription software. give us a call if you are not finding what you need.

Microcassette Transcribers & Recorders REFURBISHED

We have many Refurbished microcassette transcribers available. If an item shows out of stock, call us as we may have one soon. We also have other models from time to time, so give us a call if your not finding what you are looking for. Refurbished transcribers include a 90 day warranty.

Olympus T1000 Second Hand Microcassette Transcriber
Dictaphone 3740 Microcassette Transcriber, Refurb
Dictaphone 3750 Microcassette Transcriber, Second Hand
Dictaphone 3750 Microcassette Dictator
Sony BM840 Microcassette Transcriber, Refurbished
Sony BM850T Microcassette Transcriber. BM-850
Panasonic RR930 Microcassette Transcriber, Refurbished
Grundig 3121 Microcassette Transcriber Refurbished
Grundig 3110TG Microcassette Transcriber Refurbished
Lanier VW-210 Microcassette Transcriber
Lanier VW210 Microcassette Dictator, VW-210
Lanier VW260 Microcassette Transcriber, Refurbished
Lanier VW260 Microcassette Dictator, Refurbished
Olympus T2020 Micro Mini Transcriber, Second Hand
Sony M2000 Microcassette Transcriber, Second Hand
Sony M2020 Microcassette Dictator, M-2020
Sanyo TRC6040 Microcassette Transcriber
Grundig DH2028 Microcassette Recorder Refurbished
Olympus S830 Microcassette Recorder
Olymus S831 Microcassette Recorder
Olympus S832 Microcassette Recorder
Sony BM575 Refurbished Microcassette Recorder
Grundig 3120 Microcassette Dictation Recorder Refurbished
Grundig 3130 Microcassette Transcriber Refurbished
Olympus DT1000 Microcassette Transcriber, Refurb
Olympus DT1000 Microcassette Dictator, Refurb
Sony BM880 Microcassette Transcriber Refurbished
Sony BM890 Microcassette Transcriber Refurbished
Dictaphone 3254 Microcassette Recorder
Dictaphone 3255 Microcassette Recorder
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